مجال البحث
المكتبة التراثية المكتبة المحققة أسماء الكتب المؤلفون القرآن الكريم المجالس
البحث المتقدم البحث في لسان العرب إرشادات البحث

A Dream

تأليف : إدغار آلان بو
الولادة : 1809 هجرية
الوفاة : 1849 هجرية

موضوع الكتاب : الأدب --> القصص

تحقيق : 'NA'

ترجمة : 'NA'

إقرأ الكتاب
نقاشات حول الكتاب
كتب من نفس الموضوع (47)
كتب أخرى لإدغار آلان بو (4)

() التواصل الاجتماعي – أضف تعليقك على هذا الكتاب


قصة الكتاب :
A Dream’ by Edgar Allan Poe describes a speaker waking and dreaming state and the brief moments of light and hope he experiences. The speaker begins this piece by introducing a dark dream that he was subject to. This dream, and the emotions he experienced during it, are not unfamiliar to him. He is often consumed by the darkness that these thoughts bring. He is far from being a stranger to it. In contrast, he says that having a good dream would be much more shocking as it is so different from his normal life. If this was to happen, as it does in the form of daydreams, the speaker would be broken-hearted when he returned to the real world. As he continues on he describes the kind of life he is living in which he is stuck in a pessimistic, backward-looking rut. Throughout his days he walks with his eyes on the past, unseeing of all that is currently before him. The only times he is roused from this state is by a waking dream in which light guides him to some happier emotion. Finally, the speaker concludes by saying that these daydreams are all the more poignant because they are so pure and true. They are much more impactful and meaningful than the light of the morning after a night of bad dreams.


كتب من نفس الموضوع 47 كتاباً
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A Dream Within A Dream

أعد هذه الصفحة الباحث زهير ظاظا .zaza@alwarraq.com

مرآة التواصل الاجتماعي – تعليقات الزوار