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Don Quixote

تأليف : ميغيل دي ثيربانتس
الولادة : 1547 هجرية
الوفاة : 1616 هجرية

موضوع الكتاب : الأدب --> أصول الأدب

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كتب أخرى لميغيل دي ثيربانتس (1)

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قصة الكتاب :
Don Quixote The original title of thisnovel is “Don Quixote of La Mancha”. Arabs used to wrongly call it “Donkishot”.The Novel was written by the Spanish Author, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, and consistsof two volumes. The first volume was published in 1605, whereas the secondvolume was published in 1615, following the success of the first one. DonQuixote is considered by critics as the most influential work of literature,and the number one European novel.The story of Don Quixote isthat of an individual who lives in the past through his words and tools and refuses to live according to the modern lifestyleor understand its changes. He also refuses transformations and does notrecognize them. Therefore, he enters into battles whose reasons are found onlyin his mind, and fights windmills. For this reason, his life is full ofhumorous and ridiculous ironies.The events of this novelare centered on a retired country gentleman named Alonso Quixano who decides toleave his house and become a gallant knight. He dons an old suit of armor and a worn helmet. Herides an exhausted horse named "Rocinante", and convinces a simplefarmer named “Sancho Panza” to become his companion and carry his weapons forhim on his quests to fight oppression around the world. The funny irony here isthat the Knight’s size is half that of his giant assistant who rides a donkeywhile Don Quixote rides a horse.In the novel, Don Quixoterepresents a human model with a high moral character, a dreamy and adventurouspersonality that is irrational in its decisions and confrontationmethods. When Don Quixote fights the windmills he pictures theirsails as the arms of the devils and attacks them with his spear. His assistantSancho Panza warns him, but Don Quixote never listens. His lance gets caught inthe windmill’s sail, throwing him and Rocinante to the ground. In another event, DonQuixote attacks and fights a large group of enemies; his friend shouts tryingto dissuade his master, but all in vain. The battle wasactually with a herd of sheep that Don Quixote mistook foranarmy. At the end of the battle Don Quixote had killed a number of sheep. Asaresult, shepherds attacked him by throwing stones on him. They broke hisjawand teeth. Later on, Don Quixote attacks small houses thinking they weremilitarycastles. He also attacks priests in a funeral.This is just some ofthe many acts of heroism that ended up by having Don Quixote tied up with ropes by hisneighbors whotake him back to his village.In the second volume, DonQuixotecontinues waging his imaginary battles and promises Sancho Panzathat he would appoint him as the ruler ofan island after he wins the battle.At the end of the novel, Don Quixote declares he is recovered from his madness,anddies among his family and neighbors who cry upon his death out ofcompassionand grief.


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